Friday, June 11, 2010

Going back for holiday

Going to start my holiday on next week to celebrate the coming Tuan Wu Festival. This time, I will go back to celebrate it together with my parents. I will spend few days in my hometown for this festival. Then, I will be back for my first duty in this coming semester of June 2010.

Friday, June 4, 2010

International Conference on Education (ICE 2010)

This is my first presentation at international level in my life. I am happy to be here in Brunei Darussalam. Although I need to sacrifice a lot of things to ensure that my presentation works successfully. Someone asked me why I did many presentation at here and there. Well, this is all about the personal and job satisfaction. I like to present my paper after so long time I involved myself in the research to produce my paper. It is good and I consider this as a training for myself to challenge my PhD soon.

I started my journey on 24th May and stayed a night in Miri at my cousin's house. I moved to Brunei together with my cousin on the early morning of 25th May and we spent almost two hours for the traveling using her Kancil. At last we found our destination, Bangunan Canselor Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

 Standing in front of Bangunan Canselor UBD 
 My cover of slide presentation for my paper presented.
To get more photos on my presentation in Brunei Darussalam, please visit to my facebook.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Most Expensive Meal!!

Just now I bought the rice from the kedai nasi campur at "Lao Han Jia" in MJC. Can you guest how much it cost? Very very expensive! Out of my expectation! I asked the boss why so expensive. Yang dicatat pada papan kenyataan adalah 1 sayur 1 daging cost RM3.50 but.... itu kalau orang ambil untuk kita!!! If you take the dishes yourself, then the price is totally different. Tapi, when you asked for a bungkus of nasi, automatically u will take the dishes yourself. So don't you think it is a kind of perangkap???

Back to my question! Anyone can guess how much they charged just now? Oh my god!! RM4.80! Ladies and gentlemen... if you are a smart person, do you want to go there again???? Nasi pun sedikit... sayur pun sedikit... daging pun beberapa potong sahaja.... the whole bungkus tak sampai 200 gram pun. RM4.80.

My visitors... do try somewhere else... I believe that much more cheaper than this one in MJC.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A day before convocation

Saya sangat gembira berjumpa semula dengan Ah Zha. Ah Zha adalah pelajar saya sejak semester lepas di bawah kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan. Perjumpaan kami telah banyak membawa kenangan lalu kepada saya dan saya bersyukur bahawa kami dapat berjumpa kembali. Ah Zha bukan seorang pelajar yang pintar tetapi Ah Zha tahu dan jelas akan sasarannya. Saya masih ingat akan bagaimana Ah Zha menunjukkan usahanya sepanjang semester dan inilah cara usaha yang tak dapat saya temui lagi di kalangan pelajar saya di politeknik ini (selain Sarah). Saya berharap pelajar saya yang lain dapat membaca blog ini. Ah Zha tidak pernah berasa malu untuk bertanya soalan dan dia sedar akan kelemahannya. Saya masih ingat akan dua nasihat terakhir yang diberikan kepadannya pada hari terakhir kami berjumpa pada semester lepas. "Berusahalah dan jangan bergantung kepada orang lain" dan "Berfikirlah secara terbuka!". Inilah dua nasihat yang saya sampaikan. Hari ini saya masih sampaikan dua nasihat ini kepada Ah Zha sebagai hadiah kepada pengraduatannya. Terima kasih kepada ibu bapanya atas hadiah dari Melaka. Last but not least, tahniah, Ah Zha!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Program Motivasi Pelajar

Program Motivasi Pelajar: Pelajar Cemerlang, Akhlak Terbilang telah berjaya dilaksanakan pada 7 April 2010 (Rabu) dari jam 3 petang hingga 5 petang bertempat di Bilik Auditorium, Unit Multimedia dan Sumber. Penceramah yang dijemput merupakan salah seorang rakan sewaktu pengajian sarjana di UPSI iaitu En. Assahari Ally Bin Hussein. Beliau juga merupakan seorang penceramah Biro Tatanegara yang sangat berpengalaman. Sepanjang ceramah, beliau telah banyak berkongsi maklumat tentang aspek kedaulatan negara dan penyampaiannya cukup menarik. Yang sedih, pelajar yang banyak mengantuk dan kurang berminat dalam mengikuti ceramah yang disampaikan.

Kita perlu berfikir secara positif di mana penerimaan ilmu pengetahuan tambahan hanya akan mengkayakan diri kita. Saya tidak dapat memikirkan apa kelemahan atau keburukan ilmu berlebihan. Oleh kerana itu, setiap kali saya berkesempatan untuk mengikuti ceramah, saya berasa itu satu peluang keemasan untuk meningkatkan kualiti diri saya. Tahniah kepada pelajar yang telah menunjukkan minat sepanjang ceramah dilangsungkan. Terima kasih juga kepada kumpulan di bawah pimpinan Amiezan kerana berjaya melaksanakan program ceramah ini.

Terima Kasih Kepada Para "Pakar"

Saya cukup sibuk dengan persediaan untuk Program Kecemerlangan Akademik Pelajar yang akan berlangsung esok. Saya bangga dan bersyukur kerana pada kali ini ada Ina dan Arm yang telah banyak membantu saya sepanjang persediaan ini. Setakat ini, semua masih dikira lancar dan saya sangat berpuas hati dengan kesungguhan mereka berdua.

Banyak kata-kata "sedap" daripada "pakar-pakar" mengatakan "saya menggunakan mereka demi kejayaan saya dan mereka tidak akan dapat apa selain saya yang memiliki semua". Apa saya boleh katakan? Haha... just gelak saja! Semua "pakar" masing-masing mempunyai kelayakan akademik yang tinggi tetapi hanya mempunyai kecelikan akal yang begitu rendah malah jauh lebih teruk berbanding dengan seorang kanak-kanak. Namun, saya bangga dengan kata-kata yang dikeluarkan oleh Ina mengatakan beliau ingin belajar dengan saya dan saya menghargainya. Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih kepada Ina.

Saya teringat tindakan saya yang bodoh sejak dahulu kerana terlalu berfikir tentang kata-kata yang diluahkan oleh para "pakar" di sekitar saya. Saya ingat akan apa yang diperkatakan oleh KJ saya bahawa apa yang penting adalah pelajar saya memperoleh manfaat. Saya cuma fikir akan apa yang saya boleh lakukan untuk pelajar saya dan itulah cita-cita saya sebagai seorang pendidik. Saya tidak dapat mengawal apa yang  hendak dilakukan atau dibisikkan oleh para "pakar" ke atas saya secara negatif tetapi Tuhan sahaja yang akan mengetahuinya. Bahagian balasan biarlah Tuhan yang Maha Esa menentukannya. Usaha saya untuk mendidik dan membantu anak murid saya biarlah Tuhan yang menilainya. Saya bangga dengan graduasi saya dari UPSI kerana UPSI yang menyedarkan saya akan perlunya hati yang ikhlas dan berterusan untuk mengajar dan seterusnya mendidik. Bukankah itu yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang pendidik dan bukan pengajar?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hidup yang mencabar

Sejak minggu lepas, saya berada dalam keadaan dilema dan begitu resah serta tension. Fikiran saya begitu bercelaru, tidak tersusun dan banyak mengganggu urusan kerja seharian saya. Kerja di persekitaran saya begitu mencabar dan sentiasa menguji minda dan kesabaran saya. Perjalanan kerjaya saya tidak pernah senang dan berhenti tetapi saya menghargainya kerana itu tanggungjawab dan amanah saya. Itulah expectation yang telah saya tetapkan untuk diri sendiri. 

Saya perlu lakukan sesuatu untuk menentukan priority saya. Tugas seperti penulisan proposal PhD, kertas kerja projek/aktiviti pelajar Kelab Kaunseling seperti ceramah motivasi dan lawatan sambil belajar, melaksanakan program akademik pelajar di JMSK, menyediakan kertas pembentangan dan persembahan di persidangan antarabangsa, penceramah jemputan bagi program motivasi pelajar JKPK, menghadiri kursus-kursus wajib dan sebagainya.  Oh! My God! Where am I now? Where is my future? Begitu banyak persoalan wujud dalam otak saya. 

Terima kasih kepada Ketua Jabatan saya atas nasihat dan dorongan yang diberikan. Tidak lupa juga En Khairuddin, pensyarah UPSI saya kerana sudi mendengar luahan saya. Saya berkali-kali mengingatkan diri saya bahawa saya tidak boleh tension kerana ini akan memudaratkan tekanan darah saya dan masalah jantung saya. I pray to God to give me full energy to continue my work and to make my career a success.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Universiti Brunei Darussalam: 15th International Conference on Education (ICE2010)

Good day friends. This is the first international conference I will attend in the year of 2010. The theme for this conference is "Challenging Models, Challenging Minds: Initiating Educational Reform and Development". The venue for the conference is the campus of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam which is 15 minutes drive from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Negara Brunei Darussalam. The conference date is from 24 to 27 May 2010. 

I have paid my conference fee which the amount UBD350. At first it was really difficult to make the decision whether I want to join it. I got many opinions from Mdm Clara, Miss Ooi, Mdm Marhana and friends and at last I want to take this opportunity to increase and update my CV. It is a wonderful chance and I believe that I will gain many experience in this international conference.

Right now, I still need to prepare myself to give the best to the audiences on my presentation in this international conference. Good luck to me and all the best to me also on this conference.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Learn to QUIET! Learn to SHUT UP!

I think it is the time for us to learn shut up. Since last week, there was an "incident" happened on me and I realized finally "who am I". Started from that second, I knew clearly who was I. What I practice now is just QUIET and just SHUT UP! Then, it wins peace and good health. For them, just do whatever they like, none of my business and for what they like, just let me quiet and let me shut up! Thanks to make me realize clearly that WHO AM I!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thank you for your greeting!

Now is 12.53am and it is the day 1 of the Chinese New Year celebration. Happy Chinese New Year to my family, friends, colleagues and students no matter where you are. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you those who sent messages to me the whole day of new year eve. Thanks to have you all here together with me. Once again, Happy Chinese New Year!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Petang yang marah

Selepas isu "Pagi yang marah" sekarang datang isu baru "Petang yang marah"...
Mungkin saya sepertimana yang dikatakan bodoh dalam bahasa dan sepertimana dikatakan "tak faham bahasa"... memanglah... siapalah saya... Anyway, I am proud to be who I am... who care about that... kalau rasa susah nak kawan dengan saya... then it is find... But as an educator, I am still learning especially this emotion management. Just now because of I am too busy with the dismath and the whole week I have a lot of things need my attention... so whatever stupid...pleaselah don't come to me... if I can't understand bahasa Melayu... do welcome to talk to me in English... by the way, start from next week... only English and Mandarin with her. Thanks.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pagi yang MARAH!

Early morning working here with full spirit to make sure the day is meaningful. But someone had said that "Alan yang lokek belanja makan!". Bukan saya enggan belanja, saya pun pernah belanja kawan-kawan makan. Jika mereka berani makan whatever I bring to them, then no problem for me to buy them a drink or any food. Sorry to Nadia and Nizam. Bukan Alan tidak mahu makan, if you two read my blog, so I hope you two will understand. Congratulations on your pertunangan and you have my wishes which is the most sincere to you all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Farewell Dinner to Mr Kamal Firdausi

He is one of the hardworking staff that I acknowledged since I worked in this polytechnic. It is not easy to have a friend who has his high commitment in his career. I remember that I like to meet him to share my opinions, complaints and whatever I wanted to say about our services here. For me, he is not only an academic staff but his contribution to our department or indirectly to this polytechnic should be taken as our good example. Very soon he will leave us and starts his new life in other place. I do wish him to go on or more in his career and his family. Just take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to him on whatever things around us. Please take a good care, Kamal and do visit us one day in future if we have the chance to meet again. Last but not least, wish you all the best!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My First Experience on Sushi Kin Kuching

Only after the orientation, I have the extra time on my blog. Now writing about the experience I gained from the Sushi Kin at The Spring Kuching. My first impression on it was good. Nice place and I felt comfortable with the food as display. Together with my friend, Tiing Sik, we makan there. We ordered a set of sakana another set of nabeyaki. We ordered another 4 extra sushi. We were served with two cups of green tea. Then, we kept waiting for our set to come. Enjoyed the food and the food really delicious.  Then, I asked on my mind that where my sushi going? After 40 minutes, I called the waitress and asked her about the sushi. She double checked the order that prepared by the staff YOT. She served only three sushi. After another 25 minutes, my friend and I made decision that we didn't want to wait anymore. We paid the bill at the counter. I complaint about the services provided but looked like no action taken.

We don't mind if the price is expensive because we expect the best of the quality food and the services from the service crew. But unfortunately  the poor service I experience at Sushi Kin again make me lost the confidence on them. Again, I hope the management of Sushi Kin can do some customer service training on the staffs from Spring outlet to ensure that only the best is given to the customers.

Minggu Suai Kenal Pelajar January 2010

After 3 days and 3 nights I involved myself in this orientation with my new students, I feel really tired now. No enough sleep and have to make sure that everything is working in progress. For the first night of my moral lecture, it was started with Mr. Lim  with his talk on "Amalan Kebersihan dan Keselamatan di PKS". Followed by my motivation  slot which was "Di manakah kawanku?" Then, only after 10pm, I arrived at home. The next early morning, around 4am, I woke up and then ready for my new day. Malangnya hujan lebat oooo! The first morning lecture started with the counselor from PKS, Mr. Send  on his talk about the moral issues nowadays especially happened in our campus. My second presenter gave his talk about "Jangan Pandang Belakang" and I really unlike his way to conduct the talk. But at least he was there. Oklah...only after 40 minutes extra waiting for him to get out from the hall, I continued my session with the students on "Analisis Tahap Stress". The second early morning, it was my turn with the topic "Saya Bukan Tidak Berjaya". The third evening session of the moral lecture started with Mdm Tan on her topic about the communication. Lastly, came to the last topic from Mr. Philips, which is the only India lecturer I invited from this polytechnic.

For me, everyone has done their job well and I appreciate what they have done to make this event success. Thanks again on your hard work and I really happy that you all were there. Thank you also to Kak Viviana on your attention on my work to make me more effective. Thanks to all my new students and do welcome to this polytechnic. Hope you enjoy your studies here.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Car Service at Gamma

As usual, now come to the time doing my car service at Gamma here. Once I done the procedures at the counter and given the coupon for having some drink or food. Anyway, sad to tell everybody that the customer services once again provided by the canteen is really bad. When I asked the boss "How much for the thing with this coupon?" Haha...guess.. what he said? "Enough for one air and roti bakar." What do you think about the answers??? I checked on the price about the food. Wahhh.... I believe that nobody can believe that this is the kind of "five stars pricing!". One egg chicken rice costs you RM6.80++. One fried mee can quote you about RM7.80++. My God! I really like to do my car service in this service centre Gamma but the problem now is the quality of servicing especially the canteen, the first impression from the staff/technician and the most important thing is the washroom... going down and down...! Come on... don't dissapoint me! Do something for this new year.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Poor Services from Pizza Hut

The dinner at this evening really disappointed me because of the poor and stupid services provided by the Pizza Hut in Boulevard Kuching. The staff didn’t even know how to serve the customers and I don’t think they understand about the concept of customer services. Whey they came to get the order, no greeting and no welcoming words from the staff. The time we took the dinner, the staff was allowed to sweep the floor in the restaurant. Together with my friend, we kept waiting for our order. We were served the pizza and the Pepsi but they forgot already the breadstix. No excuse on this because they just left the order without any oral notice. When we asked, we were informed that the bread finished and they were making the new one and it took time. I believe that if I didn’t ask them about the breadstix, they will just keep quiet until we left the restaurant. Again, I asked the staff about the incomplete order. My god! Where is my seafood lagsana? The supervisor took my order but he just provided us the very poor services. At last, after the complaint, the dinner was free but sadly the supervisor didn’t even come and give apology on this situation. Do you think that I will recommend my friends and students to go to Pizza Hut anymore? You got my answer! Please and tolong tolonglah… now is 2010 and everyone is talking about the quality of services. Don’t they know?

Friday, January 1, 2010

My First Song in 2010

New Year now and I believe that it is another great year for me with new ambition and goals. I worked very hard to score for everything in 2009 and thanks God on giving me everything I want. In this 2010, I want to learn more and practice everything on the moderate way (中庸). Based on what Confucius said, “"See a righteous man, I try to improve myself so as to measure up to him. See an evil man, I search my heart to see if I have that evil in me" (見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也). Also, look at some saying about the moderated way, “To be "moderate" means that we keep our "Gladness, Anger, Sadness, Happiness" in check. And to be harmonious means that when we express those feelings, we keep them under restraint.” (喜怒哀樂之未發,謂之中;發而皆中節,謂之和). To relax myself, after I woke up and suddenly felt like want to listen to the song 爱的代价. Last but not least, enjoy the song.