After the whole day busy with auditing from SIRIM, akhirnya sampai ke penghujung. Pelbagai dokumen telah disemak dan diaudit dengan betul-betul teliti. Puan auditor pernah mengaudit saya pada tahun lepas untuk kursus kaunseling R2001. She still knows me. Glad to hear that from her. Sepanjang auditing, three of our staff from JMSK diaudit. My job throughout the whole process of auditing was to get ready all the documents as she requested. I really learnt and gain a lot of experience from this auditing. It is good to have the auditor here to know our weakness. Bagi saya, apa-apa kesilapan yang dijumpai bukan satu masalah dan tidak sepatutnya menghalang kita untuk maju ke arah masa depan. We must take the mistakes to remind ourselves that no more repeat for future. This is the way we learn from the mistake. Mustahil manusia tidak buat kesilapan. Yang penting, adakah kita melakukannya dengan amanah dan jujur?
Lastly, it was announced by the auditor in the closing meeting about the result of this auditing. Glad to be informed that Politeknik Kuching Sarawak once again received its ISO certificate and no NCR for this time.
Lastly, it was announced by the auditor in the closing meeting about the result of this auditing. Glad to be informed that Politeknik Kuching Sarawak once again received its ISO certificate and no NCR for this time.