Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hidup yang mencabar

Sejak minggu lepas, saya berada dalam keadaan dilema dan begitu resah serta tension. Fikiran saya begitu bercelaru, tidak tersusun dan banyak mengganggu urusan kerja seharian saya. Kerja di persekitaran saya begitu mencabar dan sentiasa menguji minda dan kesabaran saya. Perjalanan kerjaya saya tidak pernah senang dan berhenti tetapi saya menghargainya kerana itu tanggungjawab dan amanah saya. Itulah expectation yang telah saya tetapkan untuk diri sendiri. 

Saya perlu lakukan sesuatu untuk menentukan priority saya. Tugas seperti penulisan proposal PhD, kertas kerja projek/aktiviti pelajar Kelab Kaunseling seperti ceramah motivasi dan lawatan sambil belajar, melaksanakan program akademik pelajar di JMSK, menyediakan kertas pembentangan dan persembahan di persidangan antarabangsa, penceramah jemputan bagi program motivasi pelajar JKPK, menghadiri kursus-kursus wajib dan sebagainya.  Oh! My God! Where am I now? Where is my future? Begitu banyak persoalan wujud dalam otak saya. 

Terima kasih kepada Ketua Jabatan saya atas nasihat dan dorongan yang diberikan. Tidak lupa juga En Khairuddin, pensyarah UPSI saya kerana sudi mendengar luahan saya. Saya berkali-kali mengingatkan diri saya bahawa saya tidak boleh tension kerana ini akan memudaratkan tekanan darah saya dan masalah jantung saya. I pray to God to give me full energy to continue my work and to make my career a success.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Universiti Brunei Darussalam: 15th International Conference on Education (ICE2010)

Good day friends. This is the first international conference I will attend in the year of 2010. The theme for this conference is "Challenging Models, Challenging Minds: Initiating Educational Reform and Development". The venue for the conference is the campus of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam which is 15 minutes drive from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Negara Brunei Darussalam. The conference date is from 24 to 27 May 2010. 

I have paid my conference fee which the amount UBD350. At first it was really difficult to make the decision whether I want to join it. I got many opinions from Mdm Clara, Miss Ooi, Mdm Marhana and friends and at last I want to take this opportunity to increase and update my CV. It is a wonderful chance and I believe that I will gain many experience in this international conference.

Right now, I still need to prepare myself to give the best to the audiences on my presentation in this international conference. Good luck to me and all the best to me also on this conference.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Learn to QUIET! Learn to SHUT UP!

I think it is the time for us to learn shut up. Since last week, there was an "incident" happened on me and I realized finally "who am I". Started from that second, I knew clearly who was I. What I practice now is just QUIET and just SHUT UP! Then, it wins peace and good health. For them, just do whatever they like, none of my business and for what they like, just let me quiet and let me shut up! Thanks to make me realize clearly that WHO AM I!